Viewers Pick Up New Shows After Seeing TV-Related Tweets

Fox, Twitter, and the Advertising Research Foundation recently released a study that suggests people are likely to pick up a new series or start watching a show they previously stopped following after seeing related tweets. The study found that when people remember seeing a TV-related tweet, they are likely to take immediate action. The study included 12,577 people who were recruited on Twitter, and were surveyed within 24 hours of primetime Twitter activity.

The study was conducted by db5, a research consultant firm, on behalf of Twitter and Fox.

“According to the study, 76 percent of people who recall seeing TV related tweets have searched for a show, 78 percent have taken action on Twitter (clicking a hashtag, following a talent handle or retweeting) and 77 percent have taken action to watch show content,” explains The Hollywood Reporter.

In terms of actually viewing the show, “42 percent have made plans to watch the show later, 38 percent have watched episodes online and 33 percent have changed the channel to watch the show,” notes THR.

The study also found that if viewers remember viewing a tweet that mentioned a show’s brand partners, the viewers are more likely to think of that brand in a positive light, and will pay more attention to the brand’s on-air commercials than the average viewer.

“Specifically, 54 percent of those who recall seeing such tweets have followed up by tweeting, searching for the brand online or considering trying the brand,” explains the article.

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