Twitter Introduces New Music Charts that Track Popularity

Twitter has rolled out a new component to its #Music service for the Web that offers charts based on genre and artist popularity. The service is powered by the San Fancisco-based company We Are Hunted, which Twitter acquired in 2012. The charts provide compelling data that should be of interest to record labels and could potentially lead to artists engaging more directly with their fans on Twitter.

“The charts are broken up into a few areas: the familiar genre breakdown, as well as some categories like ‘Superstars’ and ‘Unearthed’ that appear to be built based on current Twitter trends and trajectory of artist mentions,” reports TechCrunch. “This is leveraging all of the data that Twitter is collecting from tweets that include links to tracks from popular and emerging artists.”

The article suggests that increased engagement by musical artists provides them with a better chance of moving up the charts and being found.

“With the addition of charts, which music listeners are also familiar with, people will be able to go deeper in finding songs that fit the genre that they like the most,” explains TechCrunch. “Rather than waiting for Twitter to pair you with matches that it’s taking a guess on, the power is now in your hands.”

The #Music experience is reportedly seamless for Rdio and Spotify uses, but iTunes customers will not hear full tracks within the app. The charts are not available for the #Music iOS app, but can be accessed online.

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