Chan Zuckerberg Fund Invests $3 Billion in Medical Research

Facebook chief exec Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan announced they plan to invest more than $3 billion over the next 10 years to develop tech focused on research to combat disease. “The first investment by the couple’s for-profit philanthropic arm, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC, will be $600 million to create a research lab of engineers and scientists based in San Francisco,” reports The Wall Street Journal. “This focus on building on tools suggests a road map for how we might go about curing, preventing and managing all diseases this century,” said Zuckerberg. Continue reading Chan Zuckerberg Fund Invests $3 Billion in Medical Research

3D Printing Method Could Make Production 100 Times Faster

Researchers at the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University have developed a new, faster 3D printing technique — and now a California company is planning to use the technique to revolutionize production. The technique is called CLIP, or Continuous Liquid Interface Production. Unlike traditional 3D printers, which construct prototypes layer-by-layer, CLIP 3D printers build an object in its entirety out of liquid resin. The process is reportedly up to 100 times faster than other methods. Continue reading 3D Printing Method Could Make Production 100 Times Faster

Google is Building a Ride-Sharing App to Compete with Uber

People in need of a ride may eventually get around by Google driverless car, instead of Uber, Lyft, or other recently launched ride-hailing services. Google has reportedly told Uber’s board of the plan to develop a ride-sharing app and launch its own taxi service. This could be devastating for Uber’s business if Google limits the company’s access to Google Maps. If Google can also implement driverless cars, the company might be able to lower prices to the point that Uber cannot compete. Continue reading Google is Building a Ride-Sharing App to Compete with Uber