Sandvine Global Internet Report Finds Netflix Still Dominates

According to the new Global Internet Phenomena Report by Canadian broadband network company Sandvine, Netflix continues to reign in the competition for streaming video. The popular video service presently accounts for 35 percent of all bandwidth usage in North America during peak hours. YouTube has the second highest bandwidth usage with 14 percent. Amazon Instant Video is the second highest paid streaming service, and it is growing quickly, along with HBO GO.

Amazon Instant Video and HBO GO still have a long way to go before they catch up with Netflix. Despite the unavailability of the service in Canada,  Amazon Instant Video accounts for 2.6 percent of bandwidth traffic in North America during peak hours. However, the company’s share of traffic more than doubled in the past 18 months, according to Sandvine.


HBO GO held its own in the rankings, accounting for 1 percent of bandwidth usage. Quartz predicts that while the service didn’t make the top ten this year, it might do so next year when HBO launches its video streaming service as a standalone product. That means people won’t need a premium cable subscription or even a TV to watch HBO’s shows and catalog of movies online.

Other findings from the Global Internet Phenomena Report support the notion that people still prefer to watch videos on their television or desktop, rather than a mobile device. In Latin America, streaming of the World Cup only accounted for 10 percent of traffic. Facebook also introduced video autoplay this year and average subscriber usage increased by over 200 percent on fixed networks like desktop Internet connections. Average subscriber usage increased 60 percent on mobile networks.

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