YouTube Experiments with Multiple Camera Angles for Videos

In an effort to make a viewer’s video experiences more immersive and interactive, YouTube is testing a new feature that allows viewers to seamlessly switch between camera angles on the videos they are watching. As of now, the feature is only available on a music performance by indie artist and YouTube favorite Madilyn Bailey from a recent YouTube Music Night. However, YouTube is currently accepting inquiries from select YouTube users interested in creating a multi-angle video of their own. 

youtubeAccording to TechCrunch, “the process of creating these videos is automatic on the user’s side, but the technology the team developed to support [it] is not ready to scale to everyone yet.”

Initial reports suggest that the multi-camera angle feature works quite well. “The multiple views show up as thumbnails alongside the main video and disappear once it gets started. Users can hop between the cameras by clicking on the different cameras, or by using keyboard shortcuts,” The Verge reports.

YouTube’s experimentation with multi-angle videos is nothing new although TechCrunch reports that those that have tried in the past to go mainstream with such a feature have been unsuccessful. Startups such as Streamweaver and Switchcam failed to go anywhere with similar multi-camera video tech.

The experiment is part of YouTube’s initiative to create a more interactive experience for its viewers. YouTube users can visit Madilyn Bailey’s YouTube channel to experience the multi-camera video firsthand.

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