Nielsen to Track Audience Demos of Video Ads on Roku Devices

Nielsen and Roku have started working together to measure the audience demographics of ads that play through Roku streaming devices. That means Roku will be the first Internet-connected TV platform that will be able to offer the same audience guarantees as traditional television. Advertisers will already be familiar with the Nielsen audience breakdowns, which will also be integrated into the Roku Ad Framework toolkit. The companies will be testing the new tracking this summer. Continue reading Nielsen to Track Audience Demos of Video Ads on Roku Devices

Nielsen to Include Mobile Viewing in Its Television Ratings

Nielsen confirmed this week that starting in 2014, television ratings and viewership consumed on digital devices will be measurable. The company is currently working on the software developer kit for its clients to make that possible. The move marks a significant change considering that more people are now consuming media on digital devices than they are on traditional TV, and that segment of viewers has been sorely missing in rating calculations. Continue reading Nielsen to Include Mobile Viewing in Its Television Ratings