Search Refresh: Google to Add Semantic Search Features to its Service

  • In the next few months, Google will be adding some significant new functionality to its online search service. Rather than simply returning a list of websites based on keywords, it will use “semantic search” to determine the search meaning and return related information.
  • For example, a search of “Lake Tahoe” will also return location, altitude, temperature and facts about the lake.
  • Semantic search will also attempt to answer complex questions directly, such as “What are the 10 largest lakes in California?”
  • A search of “Ernest Hemingway” would return not only the author’s books for browsing, but also related authors and their books, plus where the books can be purchased.
  • The technology will allow Google to show users more relevant ads, which would appear on these related pages.


  1. Danny Hillis describes the AI technology behind Google’s new search:

  2. Danny Hillis describes the AI technology behind Google’s new search:

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