Linux Tapped by Rival Groups for Internet of Things Standards

Two competing coalitions have enlisted the Linux Foundation to help them develop open-source software that will work with each of their proposed technology standards for the Internet of Things. The Open Internet Consortium and The AllSeen Alliance have already started developing their own specifications for how connected home devices will interact with each other. Some reports suggest that the Linux partnership with both coalitions might eventually help merge the competing standards.

news_02_smallThe Open Internet Consortium (OIC) announced its partnership with Linux last week. Linux will be working on the open source software project IoTivity, which uses OIC’s technology standards for home smart devices. The OIC is comprised of companies such as Intel, Cisco and General Electric.

Qualcomm, Microsoft, and Sony are part of the other coalition, known as The AllSeen Alliance. AllSeen is essentially building the same software with Linux, but it will be compatible with AllSeen’s specifications. The Wall Street Journal reports that the difference between the technology standards “seem to boil down to rules for handling patents and whether they initially stressed technical specifications or software.”

The software will help developers build connected devices so that they can interact with each other. It could be any devices, from Wi-Fi connected refrigerators to smart light bulbs. Since Linux is working with both groups, the different technology standards may eventually merge together so that the entire Internet of Things works on one system.

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