Harris Poll: Popularity of Streaming Increases with TV Viewers

Although online streaming is not threatening to overtake traditional television viewing yet, it is gaining momentum. A recent Harris Poll found that 85 percent of Americans say they usually watch programs on a television via live feed, recorded or on demand. The number of Americans that most often stream shows is up three percent from 2012, at 23 percent. The poll also found that a quarter of Americans said they watch more streaming television now than they did a year ago. Continue reading Harris Poll: Popularity of Streaming Increases with TV Viewers

Deloitte: Digital Omnivores Crave More Content Across Devices

Digital omnivore is a term that refers to consumers who own a trio of CE devices — specifically tablets, smartphones and laptops. Deloitte’s eighth “Digital Democracy Survey” found that over 37 percent of U.S. consumers are now digital omnivores, a 42 percent increase over the previous year. The growth is driven by a 33 percent increase in tablet adoption and an 18 percent increase in smartphone ownership. Women currently account for 45 percent of the digital omnivores group. Continue reading Deloitte: Digital Omnivores Crave More Content Across Devices

New Ericsson Report Examines Consumer Video and TV Habits

Ericsson has published its latest consumer insight summary report, “TV and Media: Identifying the Needs of Tomorrow’s Video Consumers.” The ConsumerLab surveyed more than 17,000 people worldwide and, not surprisingly, learned that an increasing number of viewers are turning to mobile devices for TV and video. The report suggests that service providers have an opportunity to create new aggregate services that will help alleviate the complexity for users that has resulted from abundance of choice. Continue reading New Ericsson Report Examines Consumer Video and TV Habits

People to Spend More Time with Digital Media Than TV in 2013

According to a new report from eMarketer estimating the media consumption of adults in the U.S., the average amount of time spent with digital media per day will surpass television viewing for the first time this year. This is due largely to the shift in smartphone and tablet usage now that most consumers lead increasingly mobile lives. Since 2010, mobile activity has grown from a mere 24 minutes per day on average to 2 hours and 21 minutes per day. Continue reading People to Spend More Time with Digital Media Than TV in 2013