Should Video Games Be Part of Gun Violence Conversation?

On the heels of Vice President Joe Biden’s announcement to establish a gun control task force, Kris Graft, the editor-in-chief of video game trade publication Gamasutra, wrote an editorial decrying the inclusion of members of the video game industry. His editorial criticized “the games industry for allowing itself to be implicated in debates about mass shootings in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre,” writes The Atlantic.

In the editorial, Graft wrote: “Everybody knows what Biden is implying when inviting the game industry to ‘participate’ in these talks. If you’re meeting with Joe Biden about gun control, you’re stating that you are part of the problem, and therefore, you are part of the problem.”

But not all in the gaming industry take Graft’s point of view. Casey Lynch, an editor at gaming enthusiast website IGN, responded with an editorial called “An Open Letter to Gamasutra’s Kris Graft: You’re Dead Wrong.”

“Lynch’s post has proven popular among game industry operatives who seem to believe that maybe this is the time when an entry into the national political conversation will go their way. Like many, Lynch assumes that Biden’s task force meeting might actually result in some sort of definitive political outcome,” explains The Atlantic.

In that vein, Lynch argues: “do you really believe the topic of violence and gun control as it relates to video games is better left to people who have no interest in appreciating video games?”

It’s certainly a mixed argument. Both sides want what is best for the gaming industry, while also wanting what’s best for the country. But the two sides are starkly different: one says yes to inclusion and one says no.

The article concludes with a suggestion of its own: “If the White House is really interested in games, they could start using them as sophisticated communication tools to help break out of politics as usual, instead of using games as convenient rhetorical levers when the need arises.”

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