No Outlet Needed: Lilliputian USB Fuel Cell Charges Portable Devices

  • Lilliputian Systems is developing a portable USB fuel cell capable of charging smartphones and other devices without the need for an electrical outlet.
  • The charger uses fuel cartridges about the size of a box of matches that are expected to cost between $3 to $5 each.
  • The device, targeted for release before the end of the year, will be in the $100-200 range. According to Lilliputian Systems, the device will be allowed as carry-on for air travel.
  • “Each fuel cell will be able to charge an iPhone 4 approximately 10 to 14 times over the life of the cartridge,” reports Digital Trends. “This device could be ideal for travelers heading overseas on short vacations as they could avoid having to purchase charging adapters. It would also be helpful for anyone using a power hungry portable gaming device like the PlayStation Vita.”

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