Intel Showcases Three Key Areas of Focus for Future PC Tech

While Intel did not match its usual pace of introducing new microprocessors this year, the company did report significant signs of growth for PCs. At a Southern California event on Tuesday, Kirk Skaugen of the company’s PC chip business discussed three key strategies, including the elimination of external wires, ways to make passwords obsolete, and enabling new types of user interface. Skaugen also addressed Intel’s focus on changing the way users command PCs, including the use of 3D camera tech.

Intel_Inside_Logo“Skaugen showed how, for example, new radio-based technologies make it practical to set a laptop on a table and immediately view the computer’s screen mirrored on a desktop display without the need to plug in anything,” reports The Wall Street Journal.

Intel is also supporting technology that eliminates the need for a power-supply brick. Instead, the technology can be placed on the underside of a table and the charging signal transmits through the wood.

In order to unlock PCs without a password, a concept called YAP allows the laptop to open based on the user’s voice, fingerprint or face. YAP, which stands for “You Are the Password,” is expected to be available next year.

Skaugen also focused on facial recognition in 3D cameras. “He showed how such cameras can help, for example, track a user’s facial expressions and map them onto an animated avatar. Intel intends to augment its mainstay microprocessor business with a new one selling such 3D cameras,” reports WSJ

“We are planning to be the number-one 3D camera manufacturer,” said Skaugen.

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