Andrew Losowsky Examines Reading In Four Dimensions

  • Andrew Losowsky, books editor for The Huffington Post, has released “Reading in Four Dimensions” (available as a 99-cent Kindle Single) — a fascinating essay on the future of publishing and how the Internet has impacted the reading experience.
  • Many of us are publishing in new ways via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and more. Readers are interacting with these “works” in a kind of social reading environment, which changes the way stories are written and read.
  • Physical books will get better, but there will be fewer of them. Books do not change like Web entries that become features and can travel with you like a time machine that catalogues the thinking of that time.
  • The TechCrunch post includes a video interview with Losowsky that addresses key points from his essay, including “how print brings permanence to digital publishing, how the concept of ‘publishing’ has translated online and the value of paper books in our increasingly digital world.”


  1. This is a sign of the times…it’s true for all media. The future is about value proposition — for books, TV and even movies. You can do more today than ever — people who add value in a way that makes for an easy, richer experience for consumers will do well. Those who do the same as they’ve ever done, will be challenged. Look at how the musicians are leveraging media across the 360 degrees — it’s all about engagement.

  2. This is a sign of the times…it’s true for all media. The future is about value proposition — for books, TV and even movies. You can do more today than ever — people who add value in a way that makes for an easy, richer experience for consumers will do well. Those who do the same as they’ve ever done, will be challenged. Look at how the musicians are leveraging media across the 360 degrees — it’s all about engagement.

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