Facebook Three Times as Popular as Twitter with Adult Users

According to the new “Mobile Messaging and Social Media” report from the Pew Research Center, Facebook is now more than three times as popular as Twitter among adults in the U.S. The report notes that 72 percent of adult Internet users are on Facebook, while 31 percent use Pinterest, 28 percent use Facebook-owned Instagram, 25 percent use LinkedIn, and about 23 percent use Twitter. The figures represent slight increases over 2014 for Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest; no change for Twitter from the previous year; and a 3 percent decrease for LinkedIn. Continue reading Facebook Three Times as Popular as Twitter with Adult Users

Pew Research: Facebook, Twitter Are Preferred News Sources

While social networks such as Facebook and Twitter prefer to describe themselves as content distribution platforms rather than content publishing platforms, denying any involvement in the editorial reshaping of what users see (despite their editorial ability to remove content from their sites), a recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that Facebook and Twitter users across multiple demographics in the United States are increasingly turning to the two services to access external news. Continue reading Pew Research: Facebook, Twitter Are Preferred News Sources

Social Marketing: The Impact of Tweets on Today’s Box Office

When it comes to movie marketing and box office numbers, not all tweets carry the same weight. On average, a single tweet results in more box office revenue when posted four weeks prior to a film’s release date than the week before. The value of a single tweet can fluctuate based on variables such as a movie’s genre or spread of brand awareness from ads aired in weeks prior to the film’s release. Studios can also use Twitter to monitor the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Continue reading Social Marketing: The Impact of Tweets on Today’s Box Office

Tumblr Teams its Top ‘Creatrs’ with Brands for Sponsored Ads

Tumblr’s new Creatrs initiative aims to pair some of the site’s most popular artists with brands to create a more authentic approach to advertising. With about 420 million monthly viewers, Tumblr has become a popular avenue for brands to target consumers. The problem however, is that brands have yet to figure out how to effectively reach them. The launch of Creatrs is an attempt to educate brands about how to best promote and market themselves on unique social media sites like Tumblr. Continue reading Tumblr Teams its Top ‘Creatrs’ with Brands for Sponsored Ads