CalECPA: California Governor Signs Landmark Privacy Law

California Governor Jerry Brown last week signed a new law designed to protect digital privacy rights. The California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA) mandates that a warrant is required in order for state law enforcement agencies or investigators to compel businesses to turn over metadata or digital communications such as emails, texts, and cloud-stored documents. Additionally, it requires a warrant for the tracking or searching of electronic devices. The White House, meanwhile, has backed down on its battle with tech companies over encrypted data of digital devices. Continue reading CalECPA: California Governor Signs Landmark Privacy Law

Forget Next Day Delivery, Retailers Test Next Hour Service

Just as next-day delivery becomes the norm for online shopping, next-hour delivery is rearing its head in the marketplace. Retail giants like Walmart, Amazon and eBay are testing such services now, providing customers with whatever they want nearly immediately. In order for this to work, supply chains are operating full speed, relying on highly complex algorithms and workers in distribution centers 24/7. Continue reading Forget Next Day Delivery, Retailers Test Next Hour Service