New for 2013: Welcome to the Redesigned ETCentric

The ETCentric team is excited to kick off 2013 with a fresh redesign of its website (now part of the new ETC site) and a more streamlined Daily Bullet email alert for delivering the latest media tech news and opinion each morning.

We’ll be previewing the new functionality and design with our reporting this week and look forward to our annual live coverage of the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show beginning next week. To get everyone in CES mode, we’ll continue publishing pre-show reports over the next several days.

We welcome you back from the holidays and hope you enjoy our new site and email alert. As always, we thank all in our community for your continued support and participation. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions — or want to provide a tip regarding a story to be covered — please contact us at

In the meantime, check out the new ETCentric and let us know how we can can help meet your news and information needs.


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