App Downloads for Android Sell More than iPhone and iPad Combined

  • App downloads on Google’s Android platform now top iPhone and iPad combined, even in the absence of any competitive Android tablets.
  • The OS accounted for 44 percent of all app downloads for Q2 of this year, according to a recent study by New York-based ABI Research.
  • In the new Steve Jobs’ biography, the Apple founder rails against Android as a “stolen product,” one that he vowed to go to “thermonuclear war” in order to stop its success. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently derided the OS as well, adding you need to be a “computer scientist” to understand Android phones.
  • “But a flood of low-priced handsets this summer has catapulted Android ahead of Apple for the first time in terms of app downloads,” reports the Daily Mail.
  • However, Apple still leads in the per user category. “Android’s app downloads per user still lag behind Apple’s by 2 to 1,” explains Dan Shey at ABI.


  1. Interesting! The same article also mentions that downloads per user is twice for iOS users compared to Android users. So Android is benefiting from a larger base.

  2. Great point Dennis. While Apple always seems to have the sweet spot with the consumers who both have more disposable income and more readily part with it, the larger userbase will eventually pay off for Android since they’ll only have to convert a smaller percentage of those users into paying customers.

  3. Interesting! The same article also mentions that downloads per user is twice for iOS users compared to Android users. So Android is benefiting from a larger base.

  4. Great point Dennis. While Apple always seems to have the sweet spot with the consumers who both have more disposable income and more readily part with it, the larger userbase will eventually pay off for Android since they’ll only have to convert a smaller percentage of those users into paying customers.

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