Google I/O Conference: Chrome for iOS, Cloud Computing and More

  • At its Google I/O developer conference on Thursday, the company announced that Gmail now has 425 million users, including government agencies in 45 states and 66 of the top 100 universities in the U.S.
  • “Google also announced that over 5 million businesses have now ‘gone Google.’ This, says Google, includes a number of large companies, including Roche, KLM and others,” reports TechCrunch.
  • Sundar Pichai, SVP Chrome and Apps, says Google Chrome now has some 310 million users, compared to 160 million last year. “Pichai says there’s every indication that Chrome is now the biggest browser in the world,” notes AllThingsD.
  • The company demonstrated Chrome used across multiple devices while retaining the same settings, bookmarks, and tabs. Chrome will be available on the iPhone and the iPad.
  • Google Drive is being used by 10 million users. The demonstration highlighted the ability to scan through documents with OCR, and showed Google Drive apps for diagramming, faxing and creating presentations. Users can access the same document on a smartphone, tablet or Chromebook, and documents can be edited offline. Beginning today, it will be available for Chrome OS and iOS.
  • In a move to compete with Amazon, Google announced Compute Engine to provide infrastructure as a service by accessing Compute Engine’s virtual machines. In one example, a customer was able to access 771,886 cores for their app. The company claims this will provide 50 percent more computing per dollar than other providers.

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