Creative Storage Conference Comes to Culver City Next Month

For those interested in the latest in digital storage for media and entertainment, the 2018 Creative Storage Conference is scheduled for June 7th at the DoubleTree Hotel in Culver City, California. Coughlin Associates is conducting a survey of digital storage requirements and practices for M&E professionals with results to be presented at the event. M&E professionals who complete the online survey and indicate their contact information at the end of the survey will receive a free full pass to the Creative Storage Conference. Coughlin Associates is also offering a $100 discount off full conference registration. Continue reading Creative Storage Conference Comes to Culver City Next Month

IBM Phase Change Memory Prototype: 100x Faster than Flash

  • Big Blue announced a potential breakthrough in digital storage, with the unveiling of a new kind of phase change memory (PCM) chip.
  • Though still an early prototype, the chip demonstrated impressive advances over Flash memory, including a 100x speed increase, and a hundred-fold increase in the number of read-write cycles the chip can handle.
  • The need for fast, reliable data storage is projected to increase exponentially in coming years, as more data moves into the cloud.
  • IBM predicts that this new technology will cause a “paradigm shift” in data storage in the next five years.