Google Glass: The Evolving Future of Wearable Technology

Glass is Google’s attempt to bring a wearable device that integrates with other Google devices and services. Although wearable technology is not entirely new, users are still deciding if its purpose is to replace phones, tablets and laptops, serve as an extension of those devices, or become something completely different. Many also wonder what the long-term effects will be of wearable computing. As is the case with the introduction of many new technologies, Glass is drawing both criticism and praise. Continue reading Google Glass: The Evolving Future of Wearable Technology

Meeting of the Minds: Discussion on Data-Driven Societies

A group of academics, business executives and journalists recently gathered at the MIT Media Lab to discuss the concept of Data-Driven Societies. Alex Pentland, a computational social scientist at the Media Lab and a leading mind in the area of Big Data, hosted the meeting and discussed how increasing amounts of important information are becoming readily available on vast scales and are often all about consumer behavior. Continue reading Meeting of the Minds: Discussion on Data-Driven Societies