Social TV: Nielsen Measuring Unique Conversations on Twitter

Nielsen is now measuring the “unique audience” for Twitter posts related to television, providing advertising and television executives with a more complete view of social TV. The company introduced Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings yesterday, a previously announced service that intends to measure the reach of Twitter conversations related to television shows. Nielsen expects that networks will eventually promote Twitter TV Ratings the same way they promote traditional broadcast ratings. Continue reading Social TV: Nielsen Measuring Unique Conversations on Twitter

Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign

The Airbnb travel accommodations website teamed with ad agency Mullen San Francisco to launch a new experiment in Vine marketing this past week. The “Hollywood & Vines” campaign will result in a short film composed of six-second Vine videos submitted by consumers. Shooting days ran August 22-25, with assigned shots posted hourly. “If your Vine is selected it will be featured on the Sundance Channel and you’ll receive a $100 Airbnb coupon,” explains the campaign’s site. Continue reading Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign