Study: Live-Tweeting Actors Drive Engagement, Good for Shows

A recent study from Twitter shows that live-tweeting from an actor’s account can boost the volume of conversation on the social network. Series premieres with live-tweeting cast-members had 64 percent more tweets that day than TV shows that did not. The difference for live-tweeting from the show’s official handle was only a seven percent increase. Twitter says actors also generate a significant following when they live-tweet. Their lift in follow rate increases by 228 percent. Continue reading Study: Live-Tweeting Actors Drive Engagement, Good for Shows

Social Television: Twitter Acquires Video Platform SnappyTV

Twitter acquired SnappyTV last week, a video editing platform that helps TV networks and cable channels share their video clips on social media. SnappyTV already has Twitter data built into its platform, and Twitter plans to further integrate SnappyTV with Twitter Amplify, which distributes video clips and ads across Twitter feeds. The acquisition marks Twitter’s next step in its social television strategy, shortly after losing two top execs who served as champions of the initiative. Continue reading Social Television: Twitter Acquires Video Platform SnappyTV

Viewers Rarely Start a New TV Show Because of Social Media

According to a new study by the Council for Research Excellence, conversations on social media have less influence than traditional factors, such as TV commercials for new shows or laziness in changing channels, in prompting audiences to watch a new show. In addition, only 16.1 percent of survey respondents say they use social media while watching prime time television, and less than half those participants typically use social networks to discuss the show they are watching. Continue reading Viewers Rarely Start a New TV Show Because of Social Media